Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Why so many youths is playing Runscape?

Is Runescape a safe online game for my kids to play? one two boy's mother asked like that: I see that most of their friends from school are online and playing it too. I have sat beside them and watched them play, but to be perfectly honest, i had no idea what in the hell the game was or is about or who the others were. All the different worlds etc etc.Can someone please tell me if this game is a fairly safe game for the boys to play and is there any sinister undertone to it all or can they be approached by any wierdos.

  • Learning more than real life
This is a game that is massive. It litterally has no end; it could go on forever. Believe it, this game is actually educational. There was a study done on this game and it showed people that played had an increased knowledge of personal finance and time management. There is some drinking in the game, but it isn't an issue because your attack is slowed. If you have patience, you will enjoy this game 10 times more. This game keeps my mind occupied but exercises it at the same time. Its not just senseless killing, its a thriving world with endless possibilities.
  • RuneScape is a great, safe, and fun game for kids.
I am a mother of two boys, and my older son plays RuneScape. I have watched him several times, and I have no concern whatsoever about this game. There is minimum violence, but compared to all the violence in the real world, RuneScape violence does not seem to stand out at all. There is no blood at all, and swords or daggers don't even touch the opponent. There is alcohol, but drinking does lower your strength, and my son says that this is not a good thing. Therefore, the alcohol issue is not that big. The game does teach kids to save up for what they want, and teamwork is required in many minigames. There is almost no swearing, for curses will be blocked and will show up as little stars. For offensive players, moderators wander around RuneScape, banning them. The game is a little addictive for my son, but ever since I installed parental controls so that he has limited computer time, he has been doing just fine. Personally, I think this game is a fun, sometimes educational, and overall, a pretty great game. For my son, RuneScape is a great replacement for World of Warcraft, which I recently banned him from due to innapropriate content.
  • Its realy fun.
K, I dont understand why some poeple put drinking as a problem? lol... in runescape you can drink bear, ale, and wiskey but its not like it does anything? just a item and all you do is drink to give more hit points.. you cant get drunk... on a different note, runescape is my favorate game. i got 600M and im lvl 132. i played 8 yrs and found to problem with it ever... seriously parents, i advice 7+ even though i dont want them on becuz they will just annoy me =P
  • Helps improve life skills
This is the most popular game on the internet is what I heard and would probably say. When the website was older I saw it saying that RuneScape is a game that teaches some life skills, but that line is now long forgotten. I would still say this is helpfull in learning... stuff. When I first started playing I didn't know anything about ores on Earth, but after a while, in school I became better at identifying ores and rocks! The players are barely innapropriate, although sometimes they use the term "noob" in a harsh way. I'd say this is recomended for people learning at an age of 9 or higher.

  • A Bit More Challenging And Mature Game
Well, I believe that it should be for ages 10 and up for many reasons. First, when I was still in elementary and under 10, I LOVED Pokemon. But once I got over, I got teased more because Pokemon is a little kid game and I was becoming more older. But, I am not saying that Pokemon isn't fun, it still is. But back to the first reason, RuneScape is more mature than Pokemon and I'd advise people who like duelling/fighting/battling in games to change from Pokemon to RuneScape because Pokemon teaches kids the little kid lessons fast. So, RuneScape will teach the kids stuff that older kids like them should know, like puzzles (For example in the RuneScape minigame, Barrows, before a player can enter a door, they may have to solve a puzzle, most commonly sequences). Another reason is because kids shouldn't get into the habit of playing games where they control creatures or very small people in those small game consoles. RuneScape is a bigger world, more challenges and they play a role as an avatar who isn't a creature and isn't small. Though, it's still not real. So if a kid always thinks that there are creatures like Pikachu in the world, that wouldn't be fun, right? That's what I think, I just play it to look at the creatures and draw them, that's all I play Pokemon for now. And last, the life lessons. You, adults, may notice improvements in your child's education because when you chat to others, kids may learn new words and talk more mature than a little kid. BUT, if your kids are equal or dropping in education or using bad words that they are learning in the game, I would either watch them for some time on a daily schedule to monitor them, or if you have to leave the house for something and leave your kid, find a way to make sure they can't access the computer. When I was in elementary, I never did the work in school and got bad grades. But now, after playing RuneScape (membership) for awhile, my grades improved and I am more mature and social. But, let's not forget the main thing that kids should do for RuneScape. Give RuneScape a break and have your kids or you or both get outside and get active. And, if they are really into a creature or an avatar in RuneScape, have them draw it. Well, parents, I hope you and your kid(s) have a great time with RuneScape and going outside for a break. Thank you for reading! :)

That's really why more and more young player who is playing this game, cuz, Runscape is really very NICE.

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